Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's Like My Best Friend Died

Have you ever felt like you don't matter? There aren't many feelings in the world that are worse than that. My whole life I have tried to think of others. I admit that I have probably failed at that a time or two but I am always trying. I'm always trying to be better and to do better. However, I feel like nobody cares. In the past year I have experienced the highest high when I gave birth to my beautiful daughter (or had her cut out of my abdomen, whatever) and the lowest of lows. I have had some really good friends turn their backs on me. And the worst part is, I don't know what I did. All of the sudden I am feeling such joy and they weren't there for me. I have reached out to no avail. Now I'm trying to find a way to cope. It feels as if they died and it's really hard to lose them all at once.

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