Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If You See Patience, Send Her My Way

Patience, oh beautiful patience. She is a wonderful thing, a virtue nonetheless. A friend of mine once said that patience had to be a female because she was so beautiful, so kind and well, so patient. Anyone who knows me knows that I have never met this virtuous friend. I have heard stories of her, I have seen traces of her here and there and I have seen others who were touched by her. However, I have never personally met her. There are times I think maybe she is stopping by for a visit but she never even stays long enough to take her coat off!
I HATE waiting. Always. It doesn't matter what I am waiting for but I hate it, I struggle with it. It makes me angry. I'm not saying that it annoys me, it seriously makes me angry. It changes me physiologically. I feel my blood pressure rise, my heart rate increases, my palms sweat and at times, I feel like I could punch someone :) I hate waiting because I try hard not to make anyone else wait. I am consistently prompt, if not even a little early.
It feel like I have spent half of my life waiting. Either waiting for someone else to get ready, waiting at a stop light, waiting in a doctor's office, waiting for something to happen, waiting for a phone call, waiting for dinner to be ready, waiting to do this or do that, just plain waiting. It's only noon and I have waited all day. I waited at the dentist's office, I waited (a long time) at the allergist's office, I waited for a train to pass, I waited for someone to get out of the bathroom, I waited to cross the street, I waited for someone to call me back, and the list goes on and on. I'm irritated. EXTREMELY!
So, if you see patience out there somewhere, turn her around and tell her that I REALLY want to meet her.


  1. She left a long time ago dear =)

  2. Sorry, I'm no help. Never met her.

  3. Patience is one of those things I hear about but only see in people who bake and wear aprons and mop everyday. (I am not patient, but am apparently judgmental based on this comment, right?)

    Anyway, I figured out, not that long ago that these moments of waiting for the light to turn red, the nurse to call you back and the water to boil can be used for YOU. To sit, relax, breathe, think about everything awesome that surrounds you. And then sometimes, once the light turns green and the nurse calls me back and I can put the pasta in the pan of hot water, I feel refreshed and it's really, really nice.
